
Director R.Kannan in Kollywood Copycats

On Today's Kollywood Copycats we feature Director R.Kannan. The Man who made his debut through his critically acclaimed "Jeyam Kondain", then went on to do a remake of "Jab We Met" and is currently working on another remake in "Settai". In-between 'Kandean Kadhalai' and 'Settai' , there was a Jiiva starrer 'Vandhaan Vendran"which was also directed by R.Kannan.
Last week we brought to you how Sundar.C copied "Humpday" poster for his "Theeya Velai Seyannum Kumaru" , today have a look at R.Kannan's work. Notice R.Kannan's perfection in copying , right from the way the hero's fist are clinched to background , everything seems to be total copy.

Here is another copycat work done by Kannan for the same movie , this time he goes to Bollywood for his cut copy paste work , have a look..

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