
Prabhu Deva & Anushka in Speilberg Movie ?

Bollywood's definitely going global now, ever since Reliance Entertainment's co-produced venture "Lincoln" won the Oscars , the benefits Bollywood is reaping from this deal has been a total revelation, First the legendary director Steven Spielberg flew down to India to attend the party hosted by Ambani where he meet all the leading bollywood celebrities. He also surprised the Bollywood contingent by revealing his next movie would be based on India- Pakistan border separation. 
The Latest buzz in bollywood is Anushka Sharma has been signed by Speilberg to play the female lead in the movie , and as we earlier reported Prabhu Deva was also linked up with the same project with Speilberg, the entire Bollywood fraternity is now on alert mode anticipating who would be signed by Spielberg next ?

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