As SS Music reported earlier today, Ilayathalapathy Vijay touched the landmark 16 Crore salary which he was awarded with for his Jilla Movie which made him only Number 2 behind Superstar Rajinikanth. However official reports coming in now state that Thala Ajith has also been awarded with 16 Crore salary for his Thala 54. Though Ajith's salary was initially 14 crore for this flick , but since Ajith has allotted more dates to the movie , Producer A.M Rathnam has increased Thala salary to 16 Crores. Another interesting fact about Thala is that he still hasn't received a single rupee of his salary and will do so only after the entire movie schedule is wrapped up.Looks like Thala Thalapathy are now jointly No 2 behind the Emperor Rajinikanth.
Vijay anna always gives "Boxoffice Hit".. He is a allrounder,,, he knows hw 2 act n screen , dance, doing comedies,everythng,, he s te 1ly actor hvng lot of fans all over te world.... east r west vj s bst.. MASS always alloted 2 vijay... For more information watch vj movies :)