Only weeks have passed since Ram Charan Teja was involved in a road side brawl, Now yet another celebrity from Chiranjeevi Family Allu Sirish has hit the headlines are all the wrong reasons. Allu who made his acting debut with Gouravam has been accused of behaving obscenely with a female videographer who had come over a nightclub to shoot DJ Faiza's Birthday gig.
Dj Faiza revealed that the female videographer was abused by four drunk men and she claimed one of them was Allu Sirish, she also went to add that the hotel staff took no action because of who he was.
Allu Sirish has however denied any involvement in the Pub Brawl in a series of tweets which was made him
Some drunk people have a brawl at a night club & some news channels drag my name just bcoz I visited that place earlier. (1/4)
— SIRISH ALLU (@SirishAllu) June 9, 2013
I have no clue who, what, why. I'm at home & suddenly have ppl calling me that my name's on the news channels. (2/4)
— SIRISH ALLU (@SirishAllu) June 9, 2013
The mgmt of the club & cops clarified dat its a mistaken identity & I have nothing 2 do with it. Wish media acted more responsibly (3/4)
— SIRISH ALLU (@SirishAllu) June 9, 2013
as somebody's reputation is at stake. The accusations were made on the headlines & clarification only on the scrolling news bar. Sad! (4/4)
— SIRISH ALLU (@SirishAllu) June 9, 2013
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