The audio launch of Vikram Prabhu's Arimba Nambi was held recently at the Sathyam Cinemas, Directed by Anand Shankar the film features Vikram Prabhu and Priya Anand and has music by Drums Sivamani. Anand Shankar is actually a former assistant of A.R.Murugadoss and hence the expectations around the movie is definitely high following the recent Maan Karate success by his other assistant director.
The audio launch itself was a star studded one where the likes of ace directors A.R.Murugadoss, Bharathiraja, K.Balachander were present. Speaking at the launch Vikram Prabhu revealed that both Ajith and Vijay had called up and wished him for the success of the film. A.R.Murugadoss who spoke at the launch said Anand Shankar was Ilayathalapathy Vijay's favourite assistant director and requested the vijay fans to watch this movie.
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