Director Atlee who impressed the entire industry with his debut directorial in Raja Rani is all set to get married, Sources say that the director is soon to be engaged to actress Priya of Kana Kaanum Kalangal fame who also played the sister role to Karthi in Naan Mahan Alla and Anushka's sister in Singam.
SS Music wishes the couple a very happy and blessed married life ahead !!!
Updated 20:03 07/09/2014
Fans here is the latest photo from the couple's engagement which happened earlier today
nagoor biriyani ulundhurpeta naaiku than kedaikanumnu iruntha ena pandrathu...paavam nama priya kutty...ipa la intha mathiri pair than amayithu.....
ReplyDeletelove comes for nothing rather for a pure heart......
happy married life....!!!!