Director Venkat Prabhu is one director in Kollywood who has of now hasn't seen failure,every movie of his have gone on to be blockbusters. His upcoming movie Biriyani featuring Karthi will be no different either. However in a recent interview Venkat Prabhu revealed some interesting facts about the movie, he said that he first narrated the script to Ilayathalapathy Vijay but he couldn't allocate dates for the movie and hence i moved to Karthi, who immediately on hearing the script said "Order One Plate for me".
Venkat Prabhu also was quizzed if he would repeat the famous Tasmac scene in Thala's Mankatha to which Venkat prabhu said "he had taken Ajith to TASMAC because the script demanded it, and Ajith is one person who would do anything for the story and the character. He also added stating Thala is one person who would give 100% to his role and his humane nature is the reason for this phenomenal success.
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