Hrithik Roshan, The Bollywood Hunk wants to act with Superstar Rajinikanth. The Bollywood actor has acted with Superstar as a child artist in Bhagwaan Dada a 1986 movie which had his Father Rakesh Roshan, Rajinikanth and Sridevi in the lead.
Hrithik in a recent media interaction was quizzed on who he would like to work with from South Indian Industry, Hrithik said "There are so many. But I do want to work with Rajini sir. I've worked in a film with him years ago as a child artist. It would be an honour if I could work with him now. I have great respect for Rajini sir. He's like a mentor. He's taught me a lot just by example. He's a real-life hero and is like a father figure to me."
Well Hrithik gets his dream fulfilled again ?
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