Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal who earlier teamed up with Ullaganayagan for Unnai Pol Oruvan is gearing up to team up with Ilaythalapathy Vijay for Jilla. Here are some excerpts from the Mohanlal interview which was published in a leading daily today"I started the shoot of Jilla two weeks back in Karaikudi. Vijay joined the set in Chennai. It's been just two days since we started shooting together; so it's too early to share my acting experiences with him. I have known Vijay earlier. We have met each other at a few functions but never had the opportunity to interact frequently. I feel that he is my younger brother, He's a nice and endearing human being. I respect and love him a lot because he's so down to earth. Now I'm not surprised with the huge fan following he has not only in Tamil Nadu but in Kerala too. For me, Vijay is the boy-next-door, who has created a niche for himself in the industry. I'm sure that this project was destined to happen.".
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