Kollywood witnessed an epic opening clash between the two Kings of Kollywood Thala Thalapathy. The theatres around Tamil Nadu witnessed an early Pongal with celebrations from both the actor's camp reigning in. Both the movies Jilla and Veeram have been declared blockbusters.
Thala Ajith once again justified the King of Opening tag as Veeram had 50+ House full shows in Mayajaal on January 10th alone.
Whereas Ilayathalapathy Vijay and Mohanlal created history in Kerala by opening to a record 200 plus screens. This is an all time record for any film.
Jilla is a super hit in kerala only because of Mohanlal. Obviously its clear coz in Tamilnadu its Veeram :)
ReplyDeletesee the IMDB rating guys...JILLA just 7....but VEERAM got 7.4!!!!!!!!! 'THALA'iku apro dan da 'THALAPATHY'
ReplyDeleteboth are blockbuster.....ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteKing of Opening thala dha always