As SS Music earlier reported actress Jiah Khan who essayed Nayanthara's role in Hindi version of Ghajini committed suicide two days back. The actress who debuted in Ram Gopal Varma's controversial Nishabd reportedly hanged herself in her residence in Mumbai.Now a 12 year old in Srigangangar has committed suicide on hearing the news of death of Jiah Khan. Police reports have it that the "12 year old boy Babu became depressed after watching news of Jiah's death and brought some DVD's of Jiah movies and started watching them, Later in the afternoon the boy confined him a room and hanged from the ceiling fan".
"He was continuously watching the television news related to the death of the actor and even asked his mother why the young actor committed suicide. The mother even convinced him not to take it seriously. Later when the mother got into the kitchen for cooking lunch, the boy committed suicide," said Ramesh Chand, investigating officer of the case.
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