Vijayalakshmi who rose to fame with Venkat Prabhu's Chennai 28 has been making the headlines for some weeks now, The reason being reports of Vijayalakshmi refusing to dub for Superstar's Kochadaiyaan. The upcoming actress was initially signed up by Soundarya to pair up with Superstar Rajinikanth in Sultan the Warrior, however film shooting lasted only for a week before the film was abandoned. So obviously when Soundarya started Kochadaiyaan she was expecting to be roped in as Superstar's heroine, But Deepika Padukone was signed up instead.
But Deepika's inability to dub in tamil for Kochadaiyaan meant Soundarya approaching Vijayalakshmi once again but for dubbing this time, Reports have it that the actress has refused to dub for the movie, However Vijayalakhsmi has laughed off these reports saying Sultan experience will always be special to her and she was never approached to dub for Kochadaiyaan.
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